Enterprise Software – ERP

Custom Enterprise Software Development - ERP Development

We do full spectrum of application design, development, maintenance and support services along with flexibility of engagement models and project scopes. We are always ready to provide our customers with enterprise solutions based on the latest technologies

Top-notch front-end

A user-centric interface will help your business stand out among the competition

Reliable back-end

An easy-to-maintain and crash-free back-end increase customer interaction.

Full-cycle delivery

Our team will cover the project lifecycle from the first draft to the market-ready brand.

What we do

Quality custom software designed to solve simple or complicated business requirements

Custom Software

When off-the-shelf software doesn’t work, our team works with you to design and build custom software that reduces costs, improves productivity and solves real-world business problems
Admin & Customer Dashboards
Document & Asset Management
Custom CRM Systems
Logistical Software
Sales Management
Auction Software

Business Process Tools

Software is transforming the way companies operate. Through custom software, businesses processes can be automated to improve productivity, reduces costs, and drive revenue growth
Business Workflow Systems
Claims Submission & Management
Scheduling Systems
Task automation tools
Process automation
Data Import & Export Tools

A modern approach to development

We build feature-rich software for external organizations or individuals in either horizontal or vertical markets.
To provide stylish and interaction design we focus on a custom approach

Agile Development

Agile development is a powerful methodology for building software.We run weekly sprints and work closely with you to define requirements and expectations

Pair Programming

We strive to pair program to build high-quality software quickly and efficiently. With pairing, developers are able to transfer knowledge, hold each other accountable, and maintain a high standard of quality


We write automated tests to validate our application code works as expected. We do unit tests which allow us to test the individual components while integration. For a product, test-driven development increases the long-term maintainability of the codebase.

Continuous Delivery

We deploy as often as possible. Once automated tests are done, it’s deployed to staging and available for your review. Once it’s approved, we deploy to production. This is NextRoot approach to continuously improve a product.